"Star Mysteries and the Word" by Bradford Riley [SANGER KRIEG AUF DEM WARTBURG]
This was not just a Battle of the Bands. The historical event at Wartburg were literal confrontations between Black Magicians and the White magic of the Grail host. Troubadours, Poets, Minstrels, Story Tellers were summoned to testify to the Higher Powers of the Word or die in the attempt. This was a Tournament to Joust to the death with the skills and capacities vividly alive, balanced on the knife edge of the Moral Forces in the Word Itself.
All the participants were serious students of the word. They knew that certain patterns and inflections in lyric placement, teeth placement and deep toned epic placement could give life to Spiritual Beings that lived in the Word. These elemental beings, baptized on the breathe stream through the art of the poet and the singer, could set free new rejuvenation through out the elemental world of nature. This ‘White Magic’ was part of the conscious reason for the tournaments. However there was a darker side, a more serious side to the tournaments. It might cost the loser his life. (Study Link Here).